Thursday, November 3, 2011

NaBloPoMo: The Beginning

I've decided to participate in NaBloPoMo, or National Blog Posting Month, well, at least in spirit. If you don't know what NaBloPoMo is, look here.

I heard about it on TWiT's Tech News Today earlier this week, but I had no desire to participate. But, the other day as I was walking out to my car with one of my students, he mentioned that he was doing NaNoWriMo. Now, I've no intention of writing a novel, a Great American one or otherwise. But, I do want to post more on my blogs. Something stirred in me, maybe it was left over from our Meditation class, but internally I decided that I should do NaBloPoMo.

It's not like I'm already busy working a full-time job, running a Martial Arts school and being a loving husband and parent. It'll be no problem setting aside time everyday to write a total of 30 blog posts and coming up with unique topics for each post! Yes, I'm joking :-)

Actually, I'm going to cheat a little. I have 2 blogs, this one and my blog for Lake Norman Tai Chi Center. I've been meaning to write more on that blog for business and marketing purposes. So this experiment will allow me to do that. What I will do is when I post there, I'll also post a link to it here.

Since it is already November 3rd as I write this, I technically already failed at NaBloPoMo, but not to worry. I'm only 2 posts down and I've no intention of winning any prize. I'm going to do this in the spirit of NaBloPoMo to see if I coud post something daily.

At least it's not 50,000 words ...

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